Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ganoderma Improves Cancer, Helps Blood Clot, Enhance Immune System and Promote Longevity

According to a report made by the cooperation of 3 professors of Taipei Medical Institute and Taiwan Medical Institute, Professor Chen Hui Hua, Wong Yi Chen and Tung Ta Chen, there is an early prevention for cancer.

After 3 years of hard work experimenting Ganoderma Lucidum on animals, finally they managed to prove that it is able to prevent cancer cells S-180 from growing, help blood clot, enhance immune system and helps achieve longevity.

Based on a research on the effect of this fungus on cancer patients for 3 years, its function can be divided into five categories:

1) Increase life span
Long term use has been proven to keep cancerous cells from spreading to other body parts. The proof for this function is there was an old woman aged 83 who had lung cancer and coughing problem especially at night.

Her phlegm was with blood. Doctor predicted she can only stay alive for 3 months.

After consuming this herb, she amazingly live for 15 more months (resulting in life prolongation of 12 months) and died of natural death.

2) Produce natural antibody
In today's industrial world, much negative elements find its way to our body through our mouth and nose. Air and water are seriously polluted these days.

Human breathing system and skin are also being exposed to virus and bacteria. All these are major causes of cancer. Ganoderma Lucidum has brought hope for this and those who take it regularly never end up with cancer.

3) Pain control
Late stages of cancer bring severe pain. Sedatives and morphine have always been the solution for it. However, these drugs can only achieve temporary effect.

Regular consumption of this herb can reduce almost all the pain. At the same time, it prevents cancer cells from spreading to other body parts.

4) Prevent the formation of blockage in arteries
According to a medical statistic, the actual cause of death from cancer is artery blockage and not the cancer cell itself. This fact has been neglected all this while. To prevent arteries blockage, we should take more high cellulose and cereals food.

5) Quick recovery
It is able to give cancer patient a quick recovery after surgery. This is acknowledged and recommended by traditional and modern medical specialists


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